Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Big Ten Football Coaches and Athletic Directors ask for tabling of three new NCAA recruiting rules

The Big Ten conference Monday became the first college athletics body to issue a statement against new NCAA recruiting rules that are slated to go into effect over the summer of 2013. The statement originated from a previously scheduled meeting of Big Ten football coaches and athletic directors.?

"We reviewed the 26 Rules Working Group proposals acted upon by the NCAA Board of Directors in January, some of which will become effective as early as July 1, 2013," the conference said in a release.

"While we applaud the work that has been done to date, we are very concerned that the timeline proposed for implementation of the proposals does not allow sufficient time for the Football Recruiting Subcommittee of the NCAA Leadership Council to thoughtfully consider the impact of the proposals."

"We are specifically concerned with the following three proposals and ask that they be tabled along with Proposal 13-2," the conference wrote:

"Proposal 11-2: Athletics Personnel ? Limitations on the Number and Duties of Coaches ? Elimination of Recruiting Coordination Functions

Proposal 13-3: Recruiting ? Deregulation of Modes and Numerical Limitations on Communication

Proposal 13-5-A:? Recruiting ? Elimination of Printed Recruiting Materials and Video/Audio Legislation."

The only proposal not listed, Proposal 13-2, was already tabled by the Board of Directors. That proposal would establish July 1 following a recruits sophomore year as a "uniform recruiting date," according to the NCAA.

Proposal 11-2 would allow any member of a programs' staff to perform recruiting duties that are currently only allowed to be performed by assistant and head coaches. 13-3, meanwhile, would allow?unlimited?text messaging to college recruits, and 13-5A will eliminate restrictions on what printed materials schools can send prospective recruits.

"We have serious concerns whether these proposals, as currently written, are in the best interest of high school student-athletes, their families and their coaches.? We are also concerned about the adverse effect they would have on college coaches, administrators and university resources," the conference said.

"We look forward to working with the NCAA toward improving the game, the recruiting process and the overall college football experience for all student-athletes."



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